Krótka i na temat ściąga techniki analogowej od Texas Instruments... i trochę cyfrowej. Pewnie przyda się nie tylko początkującym. Dostępna na stronie: szczególnościępne też w formie apek na iOS i Android
Spis treści
ConversionsPhysical constants / Standard decimal prefixes
Metric conversions
Temperature conversions
Error conversions (ppm and percentage)
Discrete componentsResistor color code
Standard resistor values
Practical capacitor model and specifications
Practical capacitors vs frequency
Capacitor type overview
Standard capacitance values / Capacitance marking and tolerance
Diodes and LEDs
Bipolar junction transistors (BJT)
Junction field effect transistors (JET)
Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET)
AnalogResistor equations / Ohm’s law and voltage divider equation
Power equations
Capacitor equations
Inductor equations
Equation for charging an RC circuit
Equation for discharging an RC circuit
Capacitor with constant current source
RMS and mean voltage
Logarithmic mathematical definitions / Alternative notations
dB definitions
Log scale
Time to phase shift
Bode plots: Poles
Pole (equations)
Bode plots (zeros)
Zero (equations)
AmplifierBasic op amp configurations
Simple non-inverting amp with Cf filter
Simple inverting amp with Cf filter
Differential filter cutoff
Calculating amplifier offset voltage
Op amp bandwidth
Small signal step response
Full power bandwidth
Large signal response (slew rate)
Settling time
Combining noise sources / Averaging noise sources
Noise bandwidth calculation
1/f total noise calculation
Thermal noise calculations
Op amp noise model
Total noise calculations
AC response versus frequency (dominant 2-pole system)
Transient overshoot (dominant 2-pole system)
Stability open loop SPICE analysis
Stability transient square wave lab test
Stability AC sine wave lab test
Power dissipation calculation
Electrical overstress (EOS) protection
PCB and wirePCB printed circuit board conductor spacing
Self-heating of PCB conductors on inner layers
PCB trace resistance
PCB trace resistance for 1 oz-Cu
PCB trace resistance for 2 oz-Cu
Common package types and dimensions
PCB parallel plate capacitance
PCB microstrip capacitance and inductance
6 Texas Instruments Analog Engineer's Pocket Reference
PCB and wire (cont.)
PCB adjacent copper traces
PCB via capacitance and inductance
Coaxial cable information
Coaxial cable equations
Resistance per length for different wire types (AWG)
Maximum current for wire types
SensorTemperature sensor overview
IC temperature sensor overview
RTD equation temperature to resistance (T>=0C and T<0C)
RTD equation resistance to temperature (T<0C or Rrtd<R0)
Diode equation vs temperature
Diode voltage versus temperature
Type J thermocouples translating temperature to voltage (ITS-90 standard)
Type J thermocouples translating voltage to temperature (ITS-90 standard)
Type K thermocouples translating temperature to voltage (ITS-90 standard)
Type K thermocouples translating voltage to temperature (ITS-90 standard)
Thermistor: Resistance to temperature, Steinhart-Hart equation
DigitalNumbering systems: binary, decimal and hexadecimal
Data formats
Digital logic thresholds
CMOS logic thresholds
SPI (Serial peripheral interface) hardware overview
SPI data latching
SPI critical edge
SPI modes
I2C bus (Inter-integrated circuit) hardware overview
I2C addressing
I2C communication
I2C setup, hold and rising timing
I2C pull-up resistor selection
ADCADC definitions
ADC resolution for unipolar
ADC resolution for bipolar
Resolution voltage vs. full-scale range
Quantization error of ADC
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) from quantization noise only
Total harmonic distortion (VRMS)
Total harmonic distortion (dBc)
Ac signals
Dc signals
Settling time and conversion accuracy
ADC system noise calculation
Effect of clock jitter on ADC SNR
DACDAC definitionas
DAC errors
DAC non-linearity
DAC total unadjusted error
MultiplexerCMOS switch construction
ON-resistance (RON)
RON flatness / Effective op amp gain including MUX RON
ON and OFF capacitance (CON/COFF)
MUX settling time with CLOAD and RLOAD
Leakage current
Charge injection
Bandwidth (BW)
Channel-to-channel crosstalk(XTALK)
Total harmonic distortion plus noise