a no widzisz ty masz STM32F407VGT6
PWM masz dostępny na TIM1 i TIM8 co widać na schemacie blokowym w nocie na stronie 18 stej
cytując stronę 29:
Advanced-control timers (TIM1, TIM8)
The advanced-control timers (TIM1, TIM8) can be seen as three-phase PWM generators
multiplexed on 6 channels. They have complementary PWM outputs with programmable
inserted dead times. They can also be considered as complete general-purpose timers.
Their 4 independent channels can be used for:
● Input capture
● Output compare
● PWM generation (edge- or center-aligned modes)
● One-pulse mode output
If configured as standard 16-bit timers, they have the same features as the general-purpose
TIMx timers. If configured as 16-bit PWM generators, they have full modulation capability (0-
The advanced-control timer can work together with the TIMx timers via the Timer Link
feature for synchronization or event chaining.
TIM1 and TIM8 support independent DMA request generation.
Czytając dalej dowiesz się jak generować na innych timerach ... i z jakimi zależnościami
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